Management & Corporate Strategy


Corporate management and strategy apply to a wide range of fields: human resources, marketing, B-to-B and international environments, in a variety of sectors and within medium-sized and large organizations.

For students of the European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy (MSE), the aim of strategic context analysis is to understand the evolution of changes in the company’s environment, with a view to developing a strategy adapted to the contemporary challenges posed by the globalization of economies. This analysis must cover both the external and internal context, in order to identify the company’s opportunities, risks, strengths and weaknesses.

study trip


Dublin, Berlin, Malta, New York, London


CDE FEDE FRANCE’s professional certification in Organizational Management is registered with the RNCP and recognized by the French government at level 7.

European Master’s Degree in Organization Management and Professional Certification in Organization Management.
Certification recognized by the French Ministry of Vocational Training and registered in the France Compétences directory.

Fiche RNCP n° 35280, registered on February 10, 2021; Code 310 : Spécialités plurivalentes des échanges et de la gestion.
Link to state-approved diploma data sheet

European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy offered in dual certification by the Federation for European Education.



In a competitive environment where globalization and digital transformation are overturning the spheres of our society, organizations are facing numerous challenges that require greater flexibility and an evolution in managerial practices in order to adapt to a constantly changing market. Here are some trends to consider:

Developing a calibrated strategy

Managing change

Consider individual aspirations

Developing collaborative management

Adapting to generational and intercultural contexts

Organization managers work in all business sectors. This includes managers of large groups with several hundred thousand employees, and those who work alone, as well as all shades of entrepreneurs at the helm of very small businesses, micro-businesses, associations or SMEs.

Organizational managers contribute to the development and implementation of their company’s commercial, marketing, financial and structural development strategy, taking into account its resources and economic ecosystem. In particular, he/she is involved in organizational and managerial change processes (human resources, quality procedures, etc.) in line with expected goals.


  • Sales strategy manager
  • Geographical area manager
  • Product manager
  • Administrative and financial manager
  • Management analyst
  • Analysis and development manager
  • HR Manager
  • Marketing manager
  • Sales manager
  • Assistant manager, SME/SMI
  • Brand manager
  • Market research manager

Target skills

Develop and communicate an organization’s global strategy:

  • Construct a global perspective of the organization’s activities in order to identify its potential and room for maneuver.
  • Assess the organization’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the risks and opportunities of the business sector, in order to ensure its proper positioning in the medium and long term.
  • Define strategic objectives and corresponding action plan
  • Present strategic and financial orientations with the help of the business plan to the various stakeholders
  • Formulate and articulate the organization’s strategic vision in terms of corporate culture, values and image.
  • Formalize the general policy for allocating material, human and financial resources
  • Disseminate the strategy and roadmap to the organization’s business units and key functions

Manage the implementation of an organization’s global strategy:

  • Manage the organization’s structural operations to ensure its long-term viability
  • Steering the organization’s development, particularly in a
  • European and international context, and managing change
  • Manage the organization’s financial strategy to ensure profitability
  • Define and implement project management and monitoring indicators
  • Optimize tools, methods and processes on the basis of intermediate results, deviations or unforeseen circumstances.
  • Manage the implementation of a continuous improvement and problem-solving approach

Manage teams:

  • Mobilize teams around the organization’s projects and values
  • Build team loyalty and unity through management adapted to the challenges of sustainable development
  • Supervise team activities to ensure a stable social climate
  • Define a social policy that takes into account the challenges of Corporate
  • Social Responsibility (CSR) and the management of multicultural teams
  • Ensure compliance with labor law, workplace safety and social protection rules and obligations
  • Oversee the management of skills and professions in order to anticipate and monitor the company’s strategic developments


Training equivalent to any other RNCP Level 7 diploma in the fields of sales, marketing and management.
More information on other diplomas available at

Possible crossover

Training available in 12 months after a validated bac+4
or 24 months after a validated bac+3 (or any other level 6 diploma)

Initial training or alternating work-study (contrat de professionnalisation or stage alterné)
VAE possible (contact the recruitment department)


Year 1


Intercultural management
Culture and management style
Entrepreneurial culture, innovation and the legal status of the company
The different functions of the organization and their interactions
Introduction to specific business situations
The company and commercial communication
General culture of the digital sector and e-management


Human resources and organizations
Socio-economic management of human resources
Interpersonal communication and conflict management
Management, organization and psychosocial risks


Corporate management and European business law
Strategic development on the international market
Business development within a European and international legal and regulatory framework



Year 2


Geopolitical environment and organizational strategies
Knowledge of European markets: strategic intelligence and business intelligence
International economic environment and internationalization strategies
International economic environment: international contract clauses


The concept of strategy
Strategic models and general corporate policy
Corporate strategy and organizational structure
Strategic decision-making
Strategic management, resource management and organizational performance

Assessment methods

Year 1 :
Continuous assessment
Final written and oral tests and MCQs at the end of the year
Written activity report and oral presentation
Group work / Business Game

Year 2 :
Continuous assessment
Final written and oral tests and MCQs at the end of the year
Written professional thesis and oral defense
Group work / Business Game

Skills blocks

You can validate one or more blocks of skills independently by referring to the France Compétences sheet and contacting the school by telephone or e-mail to study the feasibility for you.

Link to the RNCP sheet

Diploma advantages

Diploma advantages

Diploma prepared and validated
European Master’s in Management and Business Strategy offered as a double degree by the Federation for European Education.

Entry level / Prerequisites

Training available in 24 months after obtaining a validated Bac+3 or other Level 6 diploma.
Training available in 12 months after a validated Bac+4 (bridging study compulsory, contact the director for a personalized validation appointment).
Training available through VAE, more information from the FEDE.

Teaching methods

500 hours of theory per year

Classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, i.e. 16 hours a week 

Initial or work-study course (24 month apprenticeship or professionalization contract).

If initial training, compulsory 12 week internship per year in a company.

Entrance fees

80 € entrance exam fee
490 € application fee (if successful)

Diploma fees

Initial training: €9500 per year of training
Work-study course: Formation paid for by the OPCO for students on apprenticeship or professionalization contracts.

Double diploma (RNCP + European diploma from the European Federation of Schools)