
bachelor in international trade


Faced with the internationalization of markets, the interconnectivity of different activities and economic sectors, small and medium-sized companies alike need skilled people capable of assisting them in their economic and commercial development.

The aim of the Bachelor in International Trade is to train tomorrow’s international sales managers and operators, preparing them for both the technicalities of the import-export business and the richness and challenges of intercultural exchanges.

study trip
double degree
100 english


Dublin, Berlin, Malta, New York, London

diplômes reconnus d'Etat


Year 3: Level 6

This professional certification is registered with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) and holds recognition by the French government at level 6.

Titre Professionnel Responsable du développement commercial France et international, awarded by CTI. 

It is listed under RNCP fiche N°35150, with registration dated December 12, 2020. The certification being classified under NSF code 312p: Commerce, sales.

Link to French-approved diploma data sheet 

The European Bachelor’s degree in International Trade, is a prestigious qualification awarded by the Federation for European Education (FEDE) under Swiss law.

This degree is offered as a dual certification by the Federation for European Education providing graduates with a comprehensive and internationally recognized credential in the field of business management.

Professional certification accessible by VAE: 


Year 2: Level 5

Négociateur technico-commercial professional title issued by the French Ministry of Employment. This professional certification is registered with the RNCP and holds recognition by the French government at level 5. 

It is listed under RNCP fiche N°34079, with registration dated June 10, 2019. The certification being classified under NSF code 312: Négociation et vente.

Link to French-approved diploma data sheet


  • Understanding the sales environment
  • Implementing a sales strategy
  • Developing and managing an import-export department
  • Managing and adapting to the multimodal nature of various stakeholders


  • Business Development Manager
  • Business Development Assistant
  • Business Developer
  • Sales Engineer
  • Sales Representative
  • Technical Sales Representative
  • Account Manager


Our training program is equivalent to any other RNCP Level 6 diploma in the fields of sales, marketing and management.

More information on other diplomas available at

Possible crossover

Training is available under two flexible pathways:

12 months after a validated Bac+2.

or 36 months after a validated high school diploma (bridging study compulsory, contact the director for a personalized meeting to validate the project).

Both options offer flexibility through initial training or alternating work-study formats, including “contrat de professionnalisation” or internships.


Year 1 & 2

  • Marketing
  • Negotiation
  • Communication
  • Management
  • English, French or German
  • Law
  • IT
  • Professional interventions

+ 14 hours per specialty

Assessment methods

Year 1 and 2 :
Final exam
Mock exams and preparatory orals
Group work

Year 3 :
Year-long evaluations
Final written and oral tests with MCQs at the end of the year
Written professional thesis and supporting oral presentation
Group work

Skills blocks

You have the possibility to validate one or more skill blocks independently by referring to the France Compétences sheet and contacting the school by phone or email to discuss the feasibility for you.

Link to the RNCP sheet

Year 3


  • Institutional players, firms and populations
  • Transnational and national phenomena affecting trade
  • Country and country group risk
  • The company’s international institutional environment
  • The company’s national institutional environment
  • Financial markets
  • Money markets
  • Macro-economic analysis
  • The market and its components
  • Documentary research
  • Analysis of the company’s internationalization project
  • Selecting a target market
  • External and internal company diagnosis


  • International presence
  • Internationalization strategy
  • International presence policy
  • International prospecting
  • International marketing
  • Product adaptation
  • Pricing
  • Cultural empathy
  • Cultural elements
  • Effective communication
  • International aid and financing
  • Financing prospecting operations
  • Financing export operations

Diploma advantages

Diploma to be prepared and validated

European Bachelor’s degree in International Trade offered in double certification by the Federation for European Education.


Entry level / Prerequisites

Training is available:

12 months after a validated Bac+2, BTS/ DUT or other Level 5 diploma.

Or 36 months after validating a high shool diploma or other Level 4 diploma.

Training available through VAE.
For more information visit http://www.vae.gouv.fr for the professional title, and the FEDE for the RNCP Level 6 title.

Teaching methods

500 hours of classes per year

1st year – 1 week per month, i.e 40 hours a week

2nd year – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, i.e. 24 hours per week

3rd year – Monday and Tuesday, i.e. 16 hours per week

Initial or work-study course (12 or 24 month apprenticeship or professionalization contract). If initial course, compulsory 6 week internship between the first and second years, and 12 weeks in the third year.

Entrance fees

80€ entrance exam fee
490€ application fee (if entrance test is successful)

Diploma fees

Initial course: €8500 for each year of training
Work-study course: Formation paid for by the OPCO for students on apprenticeship or professionalization contracts.

Double diploma (RNCP + European diploma awarded by the Federation for European Education)