
MBA - Management in international trade


For students enrolled in the European MBA of Management in International Trade, gaining a deep understanding of the international environment in which companies operate is crucial. This knowledge is essential for anticipating developments and changes, enabling companies to remain proactive amidst the challenges posed by the globalization of economies.

They will need to understand the different strategies a company can use for international growth.
They should also be able to identify various risks and suggest ways to protect the company’s operations.

study trip
double degree
100 english


Dublin, Berlin, Malta, New York, London

diplômes reconnus d'Etat


This professional certification is registered with the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (RNCP) and holds recognition by the French government at level 7.

It is listed under RNCP fiche N° 35280, with registration dated February 10, 2021. The certification being classified under Code 310: Spécialités plurivalentes des échanges et de la gestion.

Link to French-approved diploma data sheet

The European Master’s degree in International Business Management and the professional certification in Organizational Management are prestigious qualifications awarded by the Federation for European Education (FEDE) under Swiss law.

This degree is offered as a dual certification by the Federation for European Education, providing graduates with a comprehensive and internationally recognized credential in the field of business management.

Professional certification accessible through VAE



  • Participate in shaping the company’s international development strategy.
  • Manage customer and supplier files, and maintain robust relationships with sales networks.
  • Handle international calls  and manage supply chain relations with suppliers.
  • Lead and coordinate projects, collaborating with various internal and external stakeholders.
  • Oversee and drive innovation projects.
  • Analyze and assess credit and currency risks effectively.
  • Advise and make strategic proposals to the corporate network on international issues.
  • Optimize the processing of international operations, balancing the bank’s profitability and risk considerations.
  • Navigate the logistics of moving products across continents.
  • Master the financial and tax procedures involved in cross-border transactions.


A European Master’s degree from the FEDE not only unlocks new career opportunities but also connects graduates with a dynamic international professional network. This degree prepares aspiring professionals for a diverse array of influential roles:

  • International Director/Manager
  • Purchasing Manager
  • International Product Development Manager
  • Export Zone Manager
  • International Business Manager
  • International Back Office Manager
  • Operational Buyer
  • International Service Provider for an OTM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
  • Customer Manager for an AEO (Authorized Economic Operator)

Targeted skills

Develop and communicate an organization’s global strategy:

  • Construct a comprehensive global perspective of the organization’s activities to identify its potential and strategic flexibility.
  • Assess the organization’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to sector-specific risks and opportunities, ensuring proper positioning for medium- and long-term success.
  • Define strategic objectives and develop a corresponding action plan.
  • Present strategic and financial orientations to various stakeholders with the use of  an established business plan.
  • Formulate and articulate the organization’s strategic vision, encompassing corporate culture, values, and image.
  • Formalize the general policy for allocating material, human, and financial resources.
  • Disseminate the strategy and roadmap to the organization’s business units and key functions, ensuring alignment and coherence across all levels.

Manage the implementation of an organization’s global strategy:

  • Steer the organization’s development, particularly in a European and international context, effectively managing change to adapt to evolving markets.
  • Oversee the organization’s financial strategy to ensure sustained profitability and fiscal health.
  • Define and implement robust project management and monitoring indicators to track progress and performance.
  • Optimize tools, methods, and processes based on intermediate results, deviations, or unforeseen circumstances to enhance efficiency.
  • Manage the implementation of a continuous improvement approach, fostering a culture of problem-solving and innovation throughout the organization.

Manage teams:

  • Mobilize teams around the organization’s projects and values, fostering a sense of purpose and alignment.
  • Build team loyalty and unity through management practices addressing the challenges of sustainable development.
  • Supervise team activities to maintain a stable and positive social climate within the organization.
  • Define a social policy that incorporates Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles and effectively manages multicultural teams.
  • Ensure compliance with labor laws, workplace safety regulations, and social protection obligations.
  • Oversee the management of skills and professions so as  to anticipate and support the company’s strategic developments.


Our training program is equivalent to any other RNCP Level 7 diploma in the fields of sales, marketing, and management.
More information on other diplomas available at

Possible crossover

Training is available under two flexible pathways:

12 months after a validated Bac+4

or 24 months after a validated Bac+3 (or any other Level 6 diploma)

Both options offer flexibility through initial training or alternating work-study formats, including “contrat de professionnalisation” or internships

VAE possible (contact the recruitment department)


Year 1 & 2

The purchasing function
International purchasing strategy
Supplier relationship management
The international supply chain
Supplier risk management
Purchasing performance management

Internal growth strategy
External growth strategy
Business intelligence

Corporate management and European business law
Strategic development on the international market
Business development within a European and international legal and regulatory framework


Assessment methods

Year 1 :
Year-long evaluations
Final written and oral tests with MCQs at the end of the year
Written professional thesis and supporting oral presentation
Group work / Business Game

Year 2 :
Year-long evaluations
Final written and oral tests with MCQs at the end of the year
Written professional thesis and supporting oral presentation
Group work / Business Game

Skill blocks

You have the possibility to validate one or more skill blocks independently by referring to the France Compétences sheet and contacting the school by phone or email to discuss the feasibility for you.

Link to the RNCP sheet

Diploma advantages

Diploma to be prepared and validated

European Master’s in International Business Management offered in dual certification by the Federation for European Education.

Entry level / Prerequisites

Training is available:

12 months after a validated Bac+4 (bridging study compulsory, contact the director for a personalized validation appointment)

or 24 months after a validated Bac+3 (or any other Level 6 diploma).

Training available through VAE, for more information visit the FEDE.

Teaching methods

500 hours of classes per year

1st year – 1 week per month, i.e. 40 hours a week

2nd year – Thursday and Friday, i.e. 16 hours a week

Initial or work-study course (12 or 24 month apprenticeship or professionalization contract). If initial training, one compulsory internship is required per year (12 weeks each)

Entrance fees

80 € entrance exam fee
490 € application fee (if entrance test is successful)

Diploma fees

Initial course: €9500 per year enrolled
Work-study course: Formation paid for by the OPCO for students in apprenticeships or with professionalization contracts.

Double diploma (RNCP + European diploma awarded by the Federation for European Education)